Publish America Author Regardless Devon Victory:
Article About One Of America's Most Spectacular Book Publishing Companies
FACT #1: Unique among all traditional book publishing companies, PublishAmerica counts almost 40,000 happy authors. Each day, an average 15 of them ask us to also accept their next work, 75 second-book requests per week, more than 300 per month, roughly 4,000 per year! By any standard, this is an amazingly high number of return authors, unseen in the rest of the book publishing company industry. In the summer of 2009, PublishAmerica was the only traditional publisher, ever, to introduce tens of thousands of books in softcover and in hardcover to the market!
FACT #2: Each day, an average 125 new authors who are looking to find a book publishing company ask us to publish their book, more than 30,000 per year, an absolute record in the industry. We review not only the quality but also the genre of their work. PublishAmerica specializes in books about, for, or by people who confront a challenge in life, and who are determined to overcome it, real or imagined, fiction or nonfiction. While we pride ourselves in maintaining lower acceptance barriers than any other traditional publisher, like all serious book publishing companies we have to be picky as we can only accept the works that meet our requirements in both areas. Our contract includes no author fees, period.
FACT #3: Again, unparalleled among all traditional book publishing companies, each day an average 15 times a PublishAmerica author appears in the news media, in newspapers, magazines, radio or TV. The authors of this book publishing company have been interviewed, reviewed or introduced in literally thousands of newspapers across the country, from the Washington Post to the Clackamas County News, from the Kingwood Observer to the Los Angeles Times to Women's World Magazine. They have made appearances on local TV, and on national ABC, CNN, MSNBC and FOX TV. They also have been interviewed by radio shows hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus, Diane Rehm, and Oliver North.
FACT #4: FACT #4: Each day, PublishAmerica authors are invited to do a book signing or another in-store event at a bookstore or a library. Bookstores call or log on to order a PublishAmerica title hundreds of times every day. PublishAmerica contacts dozens of bookstores each day to set up book signings for our authors, or alternatively donates books to stores.
FACT #5: PublishAmerica is NOT in any way a POD, vanity press, or subsidy publisher, and has nothing in common with them. Obviously, our authors are also not being self-published. In the most commonly used context, POD indicates "Publish On Demand", or vanity publishing. Vanity publishers charge for their "services". Some charge a few hundred dollars, others a thousand or more. We are not in that league, in any way, shape or fashion.
FACT #6: PublishAmerica is a traditional, royalty paying publisher. We charge no fees for publishing a book, ever. There's no catch, no hidden surprises. We even pay small advances to indicate our principle. The author is never, ever, under any obligation to pull their wallet to make any purchase whatsoever. We don't want their money. We want their book. All expenses involved with acquiring, producing, manufacturing, and publishing a book, and marketing it to the industry's wholesale and distribution channels for full availability through all bookstores at home and abroad are underwritten by PublishAmerica solely. This is one of our main claims to fame, and one that we are very proud of. All authors are treated equally here.
FACT #7: The only area where the acronym POD comes in sight, is the printing stage of a book. Among printers, POD means print-on-demand, a digital technology that enables the printer to manufacture a book one at a time. This is in contrast with the offset technology that, by definition, must produce at least hundreds of copies of a book at a time at a minimum, but preferably thousands, to justify the expense of running the press.
FACT #8: ALL publishers use digital (Print-On-Demand) technology for printing, from all major publishing houses such as Random House down. In fact, Random House is a major producer of digitally printed books.
FACT #9: Does the use of the digital on-demand printing technology make a publisher a POD house? No, it does not. Of course not. According to, there are 57 different meanings for POD, from Post Office Department to Point Of Departure to Proof Of Delivery. In our world, POD is vanity publishing, and PublishAmerica is no vanity publisher, by any stretch of the imagination.
FACT #10: As for the production time of our books, we put the author in full control. If an author wants us to release his or her book fast, we can do that. Depending on how fast they submit all necessary information and materials, they may see their book go to the printer within as little as 4 weeks.
FACT #11: We assign a graphic designer who comes up with a cover design. We consider author provided suggestions and ideas. We know our authors want quality, and we assure them quality.
FACT #12: PublishAmerica is only interested in a book's publishing rights. We don't want any other rights, unless an author insists that we carry them on his/her behalf. Movie rights, audio rights, TV rights, merchandising rights, the copyright, they all remain the author's. We are a BOOK publisher, the only way we earn our money is by selling books, and we're very good at that. Everything else can be done better by others. Our contracts expire after seven years, unlike the life term that most other traditional publishers require. Maybe that's one of the reasons why our contracts seem to be particularly liked by lawyers: we count a few hundred attorneys among our authors.